Продукти за Боксед Такома 3 Шасита (2)

H2S скенер [1-3-5 ТРИАЗИН]

H2S скенер [1-3-5 ТРИАЗИН]

H2S Scavengers are compounds based on triazine that possess the ability to scavenge hydrogen sulfide. These products are engineered for use in oil and gas fields, as well as in all industrial applications where hydrogen sulfide induces corrosion, promotes the growth of sulfate-reducing anaerobes, and causes unpleasant odors. The H2S Scavenger is engineered to efficiently decrease the levels of H2S in hydrocarbon fluids, especially in residual fuels. Its low dosage rates and cost-effective treatment make it an appealing solution for refiners to manage H2S and RSH across a range of products. The dosages are determined based on the amount of hydrogen sulfide present in the system and the specific characteristics of the plant. H2S is often present in crude oil and natural gas fields and must be removed before making commercial use of such reserves. This gas causes corrosion to the pipeline as crude oil coming from reservoirs are usually wet with entrained produce water.
Naturpy Тако Подправки Закуски - Безглутенови Закуски

Naturpy Тако Подправки Закуски - Безглутенови Закуски

Glutensiz Taco Baharat Çeşnili Atıştırmalık 200 G. (Yerli Üretim) İçindekiler: Mısır unu, pirinç unu, bitkisel yağ (ayçiçek),demineralize peynir altı suyu tozu, tako çeşnisi (%2,8; baharat ve baharat ekstraktları, nişasta, tuz, monosodyum glutamat, gam karışımı, süt tozu), kaya tuzu, domates tozu, kekik, şeker, emülgatör (ayçiçek lesitini) TACO BAHARAT ÇEŞNİLİ ATIŞTIRMALIK Laktoz içerir. Kullanım Önerisi: Naturpy Taco Baharat Çeşnili Atıştırmalık, günün her saati atıştırmalık olarak tüketilebilir.